Inspire Hope.
Build Resilience.
Empower Change.
We are the Revolution Tour
We exist to bring a message of hope to young people across New Zealand and the world.
Over the past 15 years, through entertaining, creative and informative programmes, the Revolution Tour has delivered key messages to hundreds of thousands of students. We inspire hope through real life stories covering topics that affect our young people and equip them with tools to navigate life’s complexities. Our environments encourage and empower young people to make positive life changes and choices impacting not only themselves but the community around them.
Bad days end and hard weeks finish. Using real stories of lived experience, we present our messages with a heavy emphasis on hope that things can and do get better – you just have to hang around long enough to find out.
We acknowledge life has it’s challenges and if you’re not currently in a difficult situation it is likely you are not far off one. This is not negativity or cynicism; this is real life and we love to present practical advice on how to get through these tough times and to not waste the lessons that can be learnt through them.
Self and Social awareness are our primary keys key to empowering change. It’s important to realise there is some very pressing and real need around us and even more crucial to understand that we can be the answer to some of it. You might not be in the position to change the whole world, but you are in the position to change someone’s world – even if it’s one small act at a time.